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Reset Connect audience main stage

It's time to reset the business and investment community

Let's connect and reset at the UK’s largest sustainability ecosystem and net-zero event, Reset Connect London. Returning to  ExCeL London on 24-25 June 2025 as the flagship event of London Climate Action Week.

We bridge the gap between sustainability change-makers, business leaders, government and funding. This disruptive event provides present and future net-zero business solutions and the financing to implement them.

Joining enables you to network with decision-makers across industries, find low-carbon solutions and innovations, get insights and knowledge to drive sustainable strategies and explore opportunities for funding and investment.

Discover more about what you can expect from the event. Watch our 2024 highlights video, take a look through the photo gallery and listen back the conference session recordings.

Register your interest below to hear more about the 2025 event.

Register Interest 

visitor entrance scanning badge at Reset Connect London

Exhibitor discussion Rest Connect
  • Make essential connections: network with like-minded professionals, potential customers, peers and investors

  • Leverage the expertise of specialist sustainability consultants and thought leaders and gain valuable insight through their knowledge

  • Upskill your knowledge to shape your own career prospects
  • Actively meet suppliers most relevant to you 
  • Stay up to date on the latest trends, technologies and strategies and navigate regulatory requirements 
  • Explore new partnership opportunities to address complex sustainability challenges 

Take a look at our 2024 exhibitors, sponsors and partners to see who you could meet.

2024 exhibitors & sponsors 

What others had to say...

“Reset Connect really seems to have that diversity of delegates. I’ve spoken to so many different people from different backgrounds, different walks of life. And it's really making those unexpected connections here that makes it different” 
Climate Lead, Sage
“I think Reset Connect is doing a fantastic job in bringing together a huge range of different types of  groups, individuals, into this really important, action-oriented community that can work together to help solve the big challenges the world faces”
Head of Impact Investing, M&G Investments 
“Reset Connect has been good for me because it's given me an amazing opportunity to interact, learn, and benefit from interaction with others.  You can gain something from every speaker, every visitor you interact with" 
Principal Consultant, Ricardo    

What made Reset Connect London 2024 a sustainable event?

Better Stands Initiative

Better Stand Initiative

We are proud to be part of the Better Stands Initiative, an industry pilot programme aimed at ensuring all core elements of exhibitor stands are reusable. This initiative significantly enhances the sustainability of the exhibitor experience by:

  • Eliminating Disposable Stands: Traditionally, many stands are constructed from poor quality raw materials, used once, and then sent to landfill. The Better Stands Initiative seeks to put an end to this wasteful practice.

  • Promoting Reusability: By focusing on reusable stands, we improve the ease and safety of constructing stands, while drastically reducing waste and environmental impact.

Discover more 

Treeapp Partnership

Treeapp logo

We have partnered with Treeapp, one of the UK's leading tree planting organisations, to further our commitment to sustainability. With operations spanning over 17 countries, Treeapp has planted millions of trees in collaboration with over 1,000 esteemed partners and over 100,000 app users.

Treeapp operates tree planting sites across South America, Africa, Asia, the UK, Europe and North America. With a rich diversity of over 250 tree species, their projects are centered around fostering biodiversity and ecological vitality. They take great care in ensuring a sustainable approach in all their locations, mapping each of their projects to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For every attendee who visited Reset Connect London, we planted a tree through Treeapp. 

Find out more

Who attends Reset Connect London? 

Sustainability Professionals

  • Find support and knowledge to help with certification, setting Science Based Targets and OKRs for your team and business 
  • Enhance strategies for carbon emissions reductions, creating and delivering your roadmap and embedding sustainability throughout your organisation
  • Find suppliers, ideas and solutions to help reach your net-zero, sustainability, people, community and charity targets 
  • Learn how to bring the board, C-Suite, teams and suppliers on the journey with you
  • Find renewed motivation - take a step back to re-evaluate your processes
  • Network with like-minded people, share best practices and collaborate on projects 
  • Access the most recent information and thinking to remain updated on the shifting sustainability landscape

Business Leaders

  • Reset Connect London is the right place to gain insights on establishing resilience and longevity in your sustainable company as well as building long-lasting and beneficial relationships.
  • Our People and Careers Hub will explore best practices for building a great sustainability team and sustainable business.
  • Get expert insights on transitioning all elements of the business and value chain. From energy, suppliers, infrastructure, manufacturing, and transportation to events, food, and travel.
  • Learn all about reporting and measuring your emissions
  • Meet hundreds of investors and suppliers to help fund and drive climate actions
  • Join the sustainable ecosystem of pioneers, inventors, and leaders and let them support you


  • Meet companies looking for investment and guidance to deploy net-zero initiatives and refine their business in line with investors' ESG requirements
  • Get insight into the competitive landscape and the likely PE and VC investment strategies
  • Learn about government policy changes, funds, and regulations that will shape investment strategies
  • Meet new investors, corporations, business leaders, and entrepreneurs interested in innovation as potential new acquirers or clients
  • Find out all about the transition to green and clean energy and learn more meaningful ways to invest for the years to come

Start-ups, Entrepreneurs and Founders

  • Learn what investors are looking for and how you can access these grants and funds
  • Learn how to pitch successfully through our NEW Pitch & Invest Programme - gain access with a Start-up/ Scale-up Pass
  • Network with investors, fellow purpose-led businesses, and develop partnerships with leading participants in the sector
  • Meet the leading FTSE and International businesses, build your pipeline, launch and test products in the market
  • Engage with government representatives and buyers, talk to the Mayor’s office and learn more about how to access international and regional government accelerator programmes 


Sustainability Events Professionals

  • Events have high scope 3 emissions (attendee travel, powering venues, shipping supplies, materials, catering). Sustainability is changing this sector quickly.
  • Our London Hub & Bar is tailored towards sustainable event organisers - discover innovative solutions and changing business models that support the shift in the industry.
  • Get the right guidance on what data to collect and how to your measure emissions, reduce your footprint and determine your sustainability objectives
  • We will be providing an update on the Net-Zero Carbon Events Initiative as well as hosting Sustainability Group meetings for the AEO, AEV and ESSA

  • We are committed to delivering and fostering a sustainable future for events. This year, we have partnered with Informa to join their Better Stand Initiative and Green Circle Solutions, creating an event travel calculator to track and offset our scope 3 emissions. 

Wealth Managers and Planners

  • Build relationships with financial managers and investors; invest time to save your time
  • Meet people who represent sustainable funds, impact investing, and ESG investing. Along with founders of climate tech start-ups and sustainable solutions looking for funding and development of sustainable conversations.
  • Get CPD-accredited points by providing an agenda, a summary of speakers and more
  • Network with finance and investment professionals and intermediaries. Gain a deeper knowledge of green finance, ESG, impact-led investing, and the available products and be ready for consumer duty.
  • Learn about government policy changes, funds and regulations that will shape investment strategies

Government and Local Authorities

  • Stimulate policy action and hear from best-in-class thought leaders and changemakers on the Cities & Nature Stage

  • Hear case study-led examples from Local Authorities, London Boroughs, international cities and municipalities on the London Hub

  • Discover established solution providers and a wide selection of exciting start-ups and SMEs leading the net-zero transition

  • Stay updated on the best practices in the field of sustainability reporting to embed into policy development on the Net-Zero Business Stage

  • Meet an abundance of sustainable finance  and impact investment professionals across public and private markets

  • Collaborate and brainstorm with other policymakers, decision-makers and regulators to advance your municipality, town, village, county, or city’s sustainability journey

Charities and NGOs

  • Draw inspiration from Cities, Mayors, Local Authorities, Third sector, energy-intensive industries, and the built & natural environment transformational stories on the Cities & Nature Stage

  • Meet other charities and NGOs and gain an understanding of real-world projects and their financing initiatives on the exhibition floor

  • Actively contribute to the London Mayor's office mission of aligning London with the Paris Climate Accord's emission reduction goals and lead the country in building the sustainable cities of the future

  • Connect with thousands of organisations looking to drive ESG policies in their business and actively fundraise for projects

  • Network with sustainable finance professionals throughout our variety of finance stages to support initiatives

  • Collect valuable information on best practices and common problems facing businesses and organisations on the Net-Zero Business Stage