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Wealth & Investment Management 2024

Rest Connect

Exploring the Decarbonisation Supply Chain

26 Jun 2024
Wealth & Investment Management Hub
Reset Connect London 2024
Most investors in a sustainability-labeled investment product would naturally expect there to be some exposure to the end products of the decarbonisation supply chain, namely things like wind turbines, heat pumps, and electric vehicles. Fewer investors would expect there to be exposure to the picks and shovels of this supply chain, for example, the manufacturers of copper wiring or steel. Fewer still would expect there to be any exposure to the companies mining the raw materials required to build the steel that is required to build wind turbines. This is mostly because these less visible parts of the supply chain have struggled with a variety of environmental and social challenges for many years. However, since the decarbonisation of our energy system is not possible without the full supply chain, it is crucial to learn as much about these challenges as we can in order to more fully understand the sustainability risks and opportunities of decarbonisation. James Peel, PM at Titan, will be exploring these topics with a panel of experts operating at different points on this supply chain.
James Peel, Portfolio Manager - Titan Asset Management
Mark Burridge, CEO, Managing Partner and Fund Manager - Baker Steel Capital Managers
William Lough, Partner & Portfolio Manager - River Global Investors
Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Head of Sustainability Research - Lombard Odier