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Rest Connect
Michael Coppleston

Michael Coppleston

England Director, RSPB

I’m incredibly passionate about wildlife conservation and as Director of England I lead a brilliant team working on the ‘big levers’ we can pull for nature such as policy, fundraising, engagement, along with the ‘delivery on the ground’ for incredible nature reserves such as Ham Wall in the Avalon Marshes, Sherwood Forest, and Bempton Cliffs, all listed amongst 100 other sites covering more than 60,000ha of England.  I love seeing the recovery of nature that blends people power with science, and believe we are at our very best when building powerful partnerships at scale, such as raising awareness for the East Atlantic Flyway and delivering high-impact projects like Wallasea Island.  My own background has combined a path through conservation science, engaging with people on nature, habitat creation from scratch in the Trent Valley, setting up new nature reserves, right across to supporting wonderful international work in Belarus, Poland and extensively in Shanghai on exciting restoration projects.
