
Ana Luiza Squadri
Ana Luiza Squadri is the CFO of re.green, having served as a board member to the company for over a year before taking on the executive position. Ana has been a partner at Principia Capital Partners for 3 years, having participated in the execution and monitoring of private equity investments in Lopes Imobiliária and Cellera Farmacêutica. Before joining Principia, she worked at H.I.G. Capital, where she contributed to the investment and board of directors of Halex Istar Indústria Farmacêutica, Bigsal Nutrição Animal and Mr Cat. Ana has a degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with an extension from the University of Sydney. Ana Squadri currently sits on the audit committee of Lopes Imobiliária, having previously served on boards in various industries, such as education, digital marketing, health, animal nutrition and retail. Before joining H.I.G., Ana worked in the Liquid Investments area at the Icatu Group.
25-Jun-2024Cities & Nature StageRegenerative Agriculture and Restoration of Degraded Lands: Finance and Agribusiness Working Together Towards Sustainability
25-Jun-2024Cities & Nature StageRegenerative Agriculture and Restoration of Degraded Lands: Finance and Agribusiness Working Together Towards Sustainability