How ESG Can Help Banks Tackle Data Challenges & Regulatory Risks
The Disruption House, Temenos, Protean Risk and Reset Connect partnered to organise this exclusive event exploring how ESG support for clients is a pathway to net-zero, better risk management and meeting regulatory obligations.
133 Banks from 3 countries with US$74 trillion of assets representing 41% of global banking assets have signed up to the Net-Zero Banking Alliance.
This commits them to:
Transition the operational and attributable GHG emissions from their lending and investment portfolios to align with pathways to net-zero by 2050 or sooner
Within 18 months of joining, set 2030 targets (or sooner) and a 2050 target, with intermediary targets to be set every 5 years from 2030 onwards
Banks’ first 2030 targets will focus on priority sectors where the bank can have the most significant impact. I.e. the most GHG-intensive sectors within their portfolios, with further sector targets to be set within 36 months.
Annually publish absolute emissions and emissions intensity in line with best practice and within a year of setting targets, disclose progress against a board-level reviewed transition strategy setting out proposed actions and climate-related sectoral policies.
Take a robust approach to the role of offsets in transition plans
A material percentage of the bank loan book will be to SMEs. Making SME emissions data an essential data set to understand and achieve net-zero. While providing emissions data is not always a priority for the majority of SMEs, ESG support, including sustainability-linked lending, is the route to getting it.
Peers and colleagues gathered for an engaging afternoon of discussion, learning and networking. This event shone a light on how Financial Services, Lenders and SMEs can work together to better understand and manage current and emerging ESG obligations.
In case you missed this event, we produced a white paper report to capture the key learnings, themes, event takeaways, and to set the scene for part two!
To receive a copy of the report & register for part two click below
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