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London Climate Action Week Hub & Bar 2023

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Leading the Way to a Net Zero Future Through Local Government Collaboration

27 Jun 2023
London Climate Action Week Hub & Bar

London’s 32 boroughs and the City of London are committed to achieving net zero through collaboration between the boroughs and with the GLA and Central Government. Our ambition is to achieve net zero in the fastest possible time and with the greatest benefit to all Londoners

To achieve net zero, London needs strong leadership and partnership opportunities in many areas. This is why we have launched a range of collaborative programmes - from retrofitting our buildings to make them cheaper to heat and reduce their impact on the environment, to increasing the number of Londoners employed in the green economy, and from ramping up local renewable power to ensuring that all new developments have a minimal carbon footprint, the rapid development of low carbon transport and working with residents and businesses to reduce their consumption based emissions. We are also ensuring that London develops the resilience to cope with the extreme weather shocks that come more frequently and severely with climate change.